Christian Rap is a unique genre of music. It combines biblical scripture with lyrical vocals over drum and bass tracks with strong melodies and hooks. Christian music can support a mood of worship and praise, but Christian rap adds in an element of testimony and a spirit of repentance. Overall, Christian rap is popular with the younger crowds because it sounds very similar to music on mainstream radio stations. Do not be fooled by the vibrancy of this niche genre as it is also very much capable of ushering in an environment of worship and praise.
If this is your first experience with rap you may find it helpful to read the lyrics while listening to the music. Although Christian rap may sound very similar to Hip Hop and Pop music, the words definately share a different message than what you hear in those popular genres.
Aaron Harris, also known as Hands On, sounds similar to some other popular Christian rap artist that you may have heard such as Lecrae, K-Drama, KJ-52, and KB. Aaron's voice and style also sound similar to Drake, Young Buck, and Will Smith. Aaron's songs are usually remembered for the resonant lyrics and catchy layered hooks. Aaron believes that the most important aspect of his songs are the words and messages that the listener will hear; production is always second priority to lyrical content.